Thursday, February 17, 2005

Faith is Blogging!! It Bloggles the Mind!!

Hey, Guys, Have you heard?? Faith is the latest to join a long line of Northup Family Bloggers. Her site is Pretty Much In The Pink!! Of COurse, I already linked to her Photo Album, but since no one added any comments, I figured I'd Blog it to you again, secretly hidden on the page you are reading.


Rawknee said...

Hey Grabber, Looks like you're really getting it on with the hot links inside the message etc. it's a cool discovery, No? Bet you didn't think I had it in me. Hee Hee. Love you big Bro'.

Rick Northup said...

Yes, RawKnee, I think it is really cool. I am also impressed with how well you are doing. I hope you are taking the time to visit some of the other BLOGs. There are a lot of them out there. By the way, the link to Faith's BLOG doesn't work. I can't get her Handle right. Do you know what it is??

Rawknee said...

Faitha's address is as follows.
I visit everbody I can, You should go to my blog site, then select "next blog" that'll take you to a guy how's blog is What's UpChuck? Weird.
And Quote. Hoo'd a figured?