Sunday, February 20, 2005

The Dullest BLOG

The following is the most recent BLOG posted on the Dullest BLOG in the World Page:
"My knee had a slight itch. I reached out my hand and scratched the knee in question. The itch was relieved and I was able to continue with my activities."
There are presently 375 pages of responses to this single BLOG, which was posted on Sept 10, 2004. His last previous to that was on the 2st of August:
" There was an object occupying a space on my table. Using my hand I picked up the item from its place. Having considered my options for a moment I placed the object on a different area of the table. "
Before that, it was May 19th:
"I was standing quite near to a wall. I turned my attention towards it for a few moments. Having done this for several seconds I turned away from it and carried on doing something else."
I think he has found out if he posts very often, he will not get many hits. This way, people keep coming back to see what new little gems are there. Many people post over and over and some even use it for a sort of Chat Room. I was laughing until my sides ached this morning about 1 AM.
I have received a couple comments from people outside the family, but it is sort of cheating, because I went to theirs and posted something. So far, I have not done a search and found one of our BLOG pages, but I did a Search Yesterday and found the new link about the BLOG that I had added to my Northup Family Alternatives Site. I searched for NorthupFamily BLOG and that is what I found.


Rick Northup said...

OK, Guys this isn't an answering service.

Rawknee said...

Thank You Donna,
We will be Staying in Woodbury on Thursday, David can't make it but maybe Dean and Tmmi will
Hee Heee

Rick Northup said...

We're fresh out of 1997, Katy Kid, Would you like to try a nice tart 1999 Cabernet??