Katy Texas
16 years ago
This is an Alternative BLOG site created for the use of the Greater Northup Family as a place to share news and views of the usual wide variety of topics. This is a Family BLOG, and I must ask that you retain some semblance of common decency when posting here. If you want to originate your own posts on my site, ask to "Join the Team".
Well, By Golly, That worked. All anyone has to do is go there and if you see something you want to resppond to, You Post a Comment. You can Post Anonymously or with your name/e-mail attached to it. Then you only respond to what you like and leave the rest alone there for others. After a month it goes into Archives. Or you can start a new Thread by clicking on "BLOG This" at the top of the page and name it something and go to typing. When you are done you have to "Publish"
This is Rick Posting as Anonymous.
Can you see this I'm trieing what you said about post it annonymously.
Where can I see my post?
Well. This is my comment. I've never blogged before but it seems kinda silly to me... I guess its a good way to put your ideas out there and get feedback. That is what a lot of our family email is all about anyway.
Don't feel like taking the time to set up an account right now, so will do it this way........ could be cool! Rick your pretty slick!
Well, That's a start. There were about three new comments on here. SO it works. I don't know if Ron ever got to see his results, but you just refresh and it should be there in a few minutes.
I didn't see the last one show up yet???? not sure if it's working, trying thru the anonymous post.... oh well, one more try.
Okay, now i see, I just signed out and back in , now i see it! woo hoo, we're on a roll! Just about as good as chat!
Well, DOnna, Here you are. Hi Ya, Sweetie. Do ya Miss me??
Well, I got both of them. You got to hit "Refresh" I can see where you sent one minute before I did and then one mintute after. I suppose you guys are all on Cleveland time now. I did finally figure out how to change the Time Zone, but I think it changes it for all who post here.
In case anybody cares who the silly anonymous blogger was who never said.... it was me Faith. Have a good evening...... see ya next time.
My Dad used to warn me about sinking into the BLOG, so beware!!
I dont' see mine and Faith's comments
well, now I do see them in a different window. That's weird. sometimes they are on the test another theory when i thought I was commenting on here I am in East Liverpool.
Hey I see now that there are alot of posted comments, I just had to "refresh" after posting then I could see everything almost imediatly. Guy's if you are posting anonomously sign out using your name so we can see who you are.
OK I'm still having a bag full of trouble for some reason useing my identity to add a comment, unless I log in first, don't catch the problem
Hey, Guys, I just figured something else out. You can get your own BLOG like Beth did, then when you comment, it adds in your Profile that you create, including a Photo if you load one. I did that on Beth's BLOG. I think it is a great idea, now I see the potential. We all create our own BLOG and go around commenting on everyone else's. We need to put links on to each other's BLOG, though, so we can click to go. I don't know how many noticed but I made the title of the BLOG on the Blogger What Lost His Job so that it is a link to that guy's BLOG. It's cool. I'll create a new thread right now that links to Beth's so you can see what I mean.
Rick You can just click on peoples name and it goes to there blog site.
So What's cool about this is you post a blog, on someones blogsite. Then you click on The name of someone who has posted a comment on the same blog site, that takes you to their profile, where there is always a link to thier blogsite, wherein you can make a comment, and keep the circle going.
You got it, Bro. The only trouble I can see so far when you are making your own BLOG, you got all these Font settings and everything, but when you are making Comments to someone else's BLOG it is just plain old Black on White in regular size Arial. About all you can do there is add a Bold Tag, to make your type come out in Bold Font. I guess there are a few other HTML tags you can use, as well.
ok yall great but how do I start a thread on someone elses blog?
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