Of Course, as everyone knows, Yuma is famous for it's Sand Dunes, but few people realize, the city is actually mostly built on a huge Sand Dune. Located at the confluence of the Gila and the Colorado River, the native people have farmed this rich valley for centuries, however, as in most of the Arizona valleys, flooding is regular and sometimes severe. In many places, the Pueblos were located high above the valleys, even in the cliffs adjacent. It must have been quite a hike to the river to farm the crops. In the Yuma area, this has not been a problem, since the sand rises steeply out of the valley floor, and it was possible to live right above the Flood Plain.
This was naturally appealing to the White Settlers, as well, and indeed, there was never a problem getting water. Shallow wells provided all the irrigation water needed, and it was only necessary to build dikes high enough to keep out the floods. To be sure, at various times, the unpredictable Colorado River, following heavy Snow Melt flooded the entire valley, wiping out anyone in it's path. Since the building of the Imperial Dam 20 miles north, however, the river was tamed once and for all and Arizona Farmers are assured of a constant water supply, having carved out a deal with the water hungry Californians, whereby, they are still only using about half of their allottment.
The Imperial Dam Diversion provides water for eight different Water and Irrigation Districts. The Yuma Mesa actually receives water from three of these, so there is no shortage of water in Yuma at this time. To be sure, there are a few rock out-croppings within City Limits, but for the most part, The City sits on pure sand. Immediately off this huge mesa, the irrigation farming starts and runs for as far as the eye can see.
Katy Texas
16 years ago
Dad you may have noticed that I have not been so busy with the blogging. Primary reason is it has been not working very well. I am haveing troubles with viewing my pages for some unknown reason. I am able sometimes to post but that is about it.. actually very rarely am I able to. I have thought seriously about starting over from scratch. I am not officially a developement member yet, But i have been putting in long hours makeing maps, and artistic items (we call arches) for this online MMORPG game Daimonin.It had been a fun game, but better yet a fun thing to be on the developement team.
Well, I have not been on here much myself, and to both our shame, it is Cyndi who has posted a picture of your lovely and all grown-up daughter, Lindsey. I guess it was Leanne who sent the Pic to Cyndi in the first place.
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