There has been considerable discussion of late about the "Surprise" that Hurricane Katrina was to the residents of the Mississippi, Alabama and Louisiana coast. There was no Surprise at all. They have been talking for years, that sooner or later this area would get a direct hit from a Category Five Hurricane. The only Surprise was that this hurricane weakened a little just before landfall and only hit as a Cat 4.
Path of Katrina crossing Florida, building strength in the Gulf and Striking just East of New Orleans
In September of 2001, the people of this country woke up for a few short months before they went back to sleep. The idea of a major Terrorist Attack on American Soil is now, as it was prior to 9-11, on the back burner.
In September of 2002, the article linked to on the top of this page came out. I, for one had never heard of it. I suppose the war in Afghanistan, and the looming threat of a similar attack on Iraq was taking up all the headlines, and no one was very interested in the possibility of any sort of natural disaster striking American Soil. We are a God-Fearing country, and God would not allow such a thing to happen.
Katrina Bearing Down on the Mississippi Delta
But, now it is September of 2005. The Anniversary of the Day the Terrorists came to America is looming large, and the disaster of Katrina is a week old today. The kibitzing and Politicizing has already started. So far, I have not heard anyone accuse President Bush of causing the Hurricane, but he has been accused by many of responding too slowly and the government at all levels has been accused of not being prepared for this. There is some truth to this accusation, but it is not the sole responsibility of the President or the Congress to act. This is a country Of the People, For the People, and By the People. It is time that We the People get concerned about some of the things that are going on. We bear the ultimate responsibility.
There are two primary reasons why the devastation was so bad in New Orleans by a mere Category 4 Hurricane. They are unrelated, except both were caused somewhat by a form of greed. It started over a hundred years ago when we started building dikes to keep the Mississippi from flooding.
This was essentially Land Greed.
The land that is in the most precarious location is the prime land, that people are willing to pay any price to have it. And they expect the government to step in and help them keep it safe. I have heard many complain that "The Welfare People" are expecting the Government to step in and help them because they are left homeless. The real problem is that the Wealthy Landowners on these lands are willing to pay any amount of Insurance money to guarantee the safety of their precarious mansions. And "We the People" are ultimately paying for it.
The Army Corps of Engineers has been ordered by the Federal Government to build the Dikes and Dams that are largely responsible for the condition the Mississippi Delta is in today. The other part of the equation, of course, is the huge Oil and Gas interests in the area.
This is Oil Greed.
Not only is the Gulf and the Delta covered with Oil Wells and their acompanying Pipe-Lines, most of the Oil coming in from the Middle East traverses these same waters. The canals dug by the Oil Companies into the marshes is the other primary reason this part of Louisiana is sinking into the sea and there is no longer a buffer region to calm the fury of the hurricanes, so they can hit New Orleans full force.
A city that was built by greed, ten feet below sea level and protected by 20 foot dikes that merely serve to hold the water for months after a thirty foot storm surge breaches those walls.
I urge you to click on the title of this BLOG and read the article in it's entirety, including listening to the radio clips. Remember that this dire warning was sounded in September of 2002, more than 3 years before Katrina formed in the Caribbean Sea.
Katy Texas
16 years ago
yes I too saw the warnings in 2002 when the other huricanes were so closely getting by. As well as last year when they warned of what would happen if the last big one had not missed the mark. I also have seen some very interesting documentaries on discovery concerning the area, and why the levy's have caused the erosion of the current wetlands, they are losing like a football field of land per day. At least They have started to flood the mississippi back into some of the wetlands by controlling the flooding of them in some areas and have actually stared gaining the land back.
Yeah, I read that, as well. Atleast, this has finally gotten a few people to sit up and take notice.
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