Thursday, June 02, 2022
Saturday, March 12, 2022
Of the Sons of God and the Daughters of Men
I have been considering this post for some time and have spent a considerable amount of time researching and considering it. Much of my information comes from what you might call Alternative Sources. I have read a lot of the Sumerian and Accadian texts and compared specific texts with those parallel passages in the Bible. Unfortunately, the usual canon Bible is actually a pretty poor Historical Source document. The relevant subject matter is covered very briefly. Noah's flood for instance is found in Genesis, chapter 6 through 8. The same flood is discussed in much more detail in the Accadian Epic of Gilgamesh, (although you will find different names for the key players), which is comprised of eleven tablets. If you have ever had an interest in this subject, I urge you to read or watch on video, all eleven tablets.
Now I think at this point, you should read those three chapters of Genesis, to refresh your mind a little on the subject matter. The story begins with this passage, and that is the foundation for this Blog. "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,
There has been a huge amount of discussion on this brief passage over the years, and the general consensus is that it should not be taken literally. The argument goes back at least to 325 AD at the Council of Nicaea, where it was determined the Book of Enoch should not be included in the Canon of the Bible. That is interesting, considering it was qupted quite a few times by the early writers, including James and Jude. It was obviously being used in the 1st Century AD, and several copies were found in the Dead Sea Scrolls along with everything else they were using at that time.
Now I think would be a good time for you to pull up a reading of the Book of Noah, which is a part of the Book of Enoch, and read it for yourself. I think it will quickly become obvious to you that these words SHOULD be taken VERY literally. These Fallen Ones, as they were called, who "left their original estate. inHeaven"to profane themselves with the daughters of man, were discussed in some detail, including naming their Leader and at least eight individuals. It does not say so, in the Book of Enoch, but I think these "Fallen Angels" were the ones called the Igigi in the Sumerian texts. (Notice I do not call them the Sumerian Myths" like so many mainline scholars do. They discuss this subjet in great detail, and they also name quite a few, although once again the names do not agree with what we read in the Book of Noah. One of the few names you will recognize in the Sumerian texts, is Marduk, who is mentioned many times in the Bible. He was the Ruler of the Igigi, though he was not one of them. My personal belief is that the "Sons of God" were broken into two primary classes. Maybe these higher level Sons of God were all Arch Angels, including Marduk, though the Bible mentions him usually as a False God. Most certainly, one of them became the man we know as Jesus. In this pre-creation form, He was known as the Logos. I believe he was the "God" the Sumerians called Enki. He vertainly was involved in the Creation, and especially the creation of man, which was a lengthy process. not the few verses we read in Genesis.
Once again, the Book of Noah lists at least eight Arch Angels, including the four we hear about today; Michael, Gabrial, Uriel and Raphael. A fifth coming from Islam would be Asrael or Israfil, As I said, the Book of Enoch mentions a few more, including Metatron, who is called "The Greatest of the Angels". The Fallen Angels numbered 200 and in Enoch, they are called specifically, Angels from Heaven. This is a listing of the names of the leaders: Semyaza, who was their leader, Urakiba, Ramiel, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Daniel, Ezeqiel, Baraqiel, Asael, Armaros, Batriel, Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsiel, Sartael, Turiel, Yomiel, Araziel.
Taking the discussion in a different direction, It has always been about White Supremacy, or White Privelege, if you prefer that term. All three of Noah's sons were white, just as he was. The idea that the blacks came from Ham's line is sheer nonsense. To get a clear understanding, you need to go to the Sumerian texts, of which there are thousands to pick from. They called themselves, "The Black Headed People". They were the product of Enki and his half sister mixing DNA with a primate race. In some accounts, they used the blood of a fellow "God" for the DNA. There were many failures along the way. It was not all done nice and neat like it tells it in the Bible. Before they really had success creating a Modern man, Enki had to have actual intercourse with one of those creatures they had previously made. That became the first Adamu, as he was called, and his brother, Enlil was not happy when he brought that first couple into the Edin. But the story really gets interesting when we go to the Book of Enochand read about the birth of Noah. His Father Lamech was terrified when he was first born and hs eyes shone like beams of light and snow white was his hair, whiter than wool. He figured one of the Gods had been messing with his wife and he went to His Father, Methusalah to get some advice. Now Enoch had already been translated, but The story goes Methuselah "went to the ends of the Earth" and called out for him. Enoch, hearing his calls, came to him and asked what was the problem. Methuselah described the situation in great detail. Long tory short, Enoch told him not to worry. Noah wasa going to be the salvation of Man after the great deluge that was yet to come.
At any rate, all the population from that day forth was white men with blonde hair and blue eyes, icluding all the Kings and all the prophets. This was the only time in history that a white race would be enslaved by a black race in Egypt. No wonder they were told to not marry into the canaanites, etc. The white race was not to be deluted in any way. Of course, in the first generation ouit of Egypt, they already broke that rule, when the very first son of Jacob to get married, chose a Canaanite.