Katy Texas
16 years ago
This is an Alternative BLOG site created for the use of the Greater Northup Family as a place to share news and views of the usual wide variety of topics. This is a Family BLOG, and I must ask that you retain some semblance of common decency when posting here. If you want to originate your own posts on my site, ask to "Join the Team".
Chart Showing Glacial Extension around the world since the Time of Christ | This Chart was published on the QUATERNARY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES of Arizona Website. The obvious reference is to show the effects of Global Warming in the 20th Century and beyond. What I was the most struck by, was the fact that that period of time from about 100 years before Christ to 100 years after represent the most major period of Glacial Recession on the chart. Far more extreme to date than the present Period of Cars and Industry. My contention is that the World was visibly warmed by the Omnipotent presence of Our Saviour, and the reason we are seeing this happening again, is in preparation for His Second Coming. After all, Christ walked the face of the Earth in Sandals. You could hardly expect Him to want it cold here while He is around. |