Lately, the newest topic of discussion on the Northup Family Yahoo Group, has been the issue of abortion, which has been hotly contested since The Supreme Court through Roe v. Wade in 1973 formally legalized abortion. This topic came back into the attention of the media following the Bush Administration's attempts to get a more Conservative Court through the appointment of two key Supreme Court justices. Also, in November, former President Jimmy Carter, interviewed by reporters about his upcoming book, "Our Enduring Values-America's Moral Crisis", stated: "I never have felt that any abortion should be committed - I think each abortion is the result of a series of errors...I've never been convinced, if you let me inject my Christianity into it, that Jesus Christ would approve abortion...I have always thought it was not in the mainstream of the American
public to be extremely liberal on many issues."
Of course, to add to the mix, Norma McCorvey, who was the "Jane Roe" in the Roe v. Wade suit, has changed her opinion on the matter, 23 years after she first brought suit against then Dallas County District Attorney Henry Wade, because he denied her the right to an abortion. Now, she is bringing a new suit against the current Dallas County District Attorney Bill Hill, asking that the previous decision be over-turned. The New Orleans-based 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed to hear McCorvey's arguments March 2, 2004. On Sept. 14, the 3 judge panel rejected the opportunity to re-open litigation, basing its ruling on procedural grounds.
I have always been opposed to abortion on a personal level, exactly as Jimmy Carter has outlined, however I have also always favored Roe v. Wade, based on an assumption it was saving a lot of young women from coming under the knife of illegal Abortion doctors in back alleys all over the country. Seems like many people have forgotten this aspect of the whole issue. It has been reduced to the simple analogy, "Choice versus Life". Nothing is ever this simple, unfortunately. Early on, I made the statement that I knew one gal, violently opposed to abortion on moral grounds, who paid for two abortions for her teen-age daughter.
My contention is and always has been that every case is unique and needs to be studied on a case by case basis. The High Court has consistently rejected all attempts by various venues attempting to circumvent Roe vs Wade. Essentially, what they accomplished in the 1973 decision was to prevent a single county or municipality from making any sort of law regarding abortion. This right they reserved for the highest court in the land. The Federal Government has spoken, "We hold this right to be self-evident..."
Katy Texas
16 years ago